
What we are proud of!

B2B asset creation

In some B2B business, the opportunities for branding are limited. A full company re-branding is often seen (and with rights most of the time) as a costly cosmetic project with random ROI.

However, making sure that the frequently updated collaterals which benefit from a high amount of external views/uses, are in line with the business ambition represent a less expensive project.It can be very relevant in order to communicate value to the audience and position the company.

This is the challenge we accepted for the sub-division of an industrial customer. The process has started with summarizing the main differentiator of the products and the organization. We then brainstormed with our graphic designer partners and came up with a full package of templates for the product marketing collaterals.

The result allows the customer to visually communicate core messages on different aspects of the company value proposition, while showing a consistent and modern branding.

Do you face similar challenges? The marketing collateral look would need a refresh? Don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss what we can offer!

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