
What we are proud of!

Marketing Automation

Lead generation for start-ups can be tricky, especially when it targets a construction B2B audience. As part of my form position at YourAgency, I took the challenge of building a full automated marketing ecosystem for Holcim's belgian start-up named Qlikbeton. They are an e-shop dedicated to retail concrete ordering. The objective was to create a maximum of service awareness and generate sales, and prove the viability of the initiative…

Campagn Qlikbeton

After a quick assessment of the needs and basics of the business model, and because there were not dedicated CRM system, we decided to base our project on the SaaS Hubspot to orchestrate the efforts and keep tracks of the prospects behaviors. We also built a custom connection with simple tools to integrate data from the back-office and close the sales loop.

We have then launched 2 waves of promotional campaign with dedicated video content published on by Facebook, Paid search and display medias. We choose to connect all these ads with a set dedicated landing pages per topics and check ROI within Hubspot. Retargeting of the site visitors has also been organized inside facebook in order to make sure leads were pilling-up.

As the customer journey is by essence fairly long (you don’t need concrete everyday unless you built highways as a hobby) , we made sure to include a nurturing phase with dedicated tips for construction pros & amateurs.

With more than 300k facebook users reached for 1M impressions, this campaign delivers excellent results with more than 1K new user in database.

Saas Hubspot

Do you need help to automate your digital marketing ? Don't hesite to reach out !

Discover a small clip we have done for Qlikbeton

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